EDITOR’S NOTE: South King Media Founder/Publisher Scott Schaefer serves on the Board of Directors for the Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce, and DAL Law Firm is an Advertiser.

In Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce’s next SMART webinar – set for 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. this Friday, May 22, 2020 –  Darcel Lobo of the DAL Law Firm will discuss the legal implications for businesses during this time.

This will be a 50-minute webinar, with ample time for audience Q&A.


NOTE: This webinar will also be live streamed on The B-Town Blog’s Facebook page, starting at 11 a.m. – be sure to “Like” it here to get an alert.

The Southside Mitigation and Recovery Taskforce is administered by the Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce with cooperation and additional support from our partners, municipal collaborators, and regional agencies who will work to find real solutions to the challenges our community faces as we confront the human and economic impacts of COVID-19.

Industry leaders from all major sectors of our local economy, subject matter experts, and government agencies will convene (virtually) at least once a week on Fridays through Aug. 28, 2020. These meetings will be a forum to share insight and information, guide decision making, and create multiple action plans with both public and private support that serve the direct needs of our communities.

For more info, visit https://www.seattlesouthsidechamber.com/smart.