The City of SeaTac is holding a community face covering giveaway this Friday, Aug. 7. 2020, while also supporting the U.S. Census efforts.
This event is part of the State’s effort to ensure everyone has access to face coverings.
On Friday, Aug. 7, from 2–4 p.m., the City of SeaTac will be giving out approximately 10,000 face coverings to residents. As part of this drive-thru distribution event in the parking lot of the SeaTac Community Center, Census workers will be on hand to help residents take the Census.
This event is limited to SeaTac residents.
WHEN: Friday, Aug. 7, 2020: 2–4 p.m.
WHERE: SeaTac Community Center Parking Lot – 13735 24th Ave S, SeaTac, WA 98168 (map below)
There is a limit of two free face coverings per person with an eight mask limit per household. Each vehicle will be asked to verify their neighborhood of residence.
This event is part of the City of SeaTac’s distribution of 18,000 free, personal protective equipment (PPE) masks it received from King County this summer. The City is working with local partners on a variety of ways to distribute the masks.
The City’s Emergency Manager prioritized the quick distribution of the masks with community and faith-based organizations that directly serve the residents of SeaTac. The City gave masks to the SeaTac Senior Center to distribute to the vulnerable seniors who are served by our Meals on Wheels Program. A thousand masks were given to New Futures Community Center which provides critical services in significantly under-resourced communities of Southwest King County. New Life is located in the Windsor Heights Apartment complex run by King County Housing Authority. In addition, thousands of free masks were given to faith-based organizations: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Hope of the City Church and Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church & School and the Ethiopian Muslims Association of Seattle. The City is partnering with other organizations to continue the distribution of the no-cost protective equipment.
In addition, the Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce along with other King County Chambers of Commerce and business organizations all around the region, have come together in partnership with King County to provide more than half-a-million cloth face coverings, disposable masks, and hand sanitizer to businesses in King County to help keep employees healthy and safe.
The U.S. Census Bureau has been working in SeaTac for more than a month in order to increase the self-response rates to the census questionnaire. Currently, SeaTac has a 56.4% self-response rate which is 7.1 % below the 2010 self-response rate. Below are census self-response averages for the Nation, State, County and City.
Jurisdiction | Current 2020 % | 2010 % | Difference |
National | 62.80% | 79.30% | -16.50% |
WA State | 68.20% | 67.20% | 1.00% |
King County | 72.10% | 70.30% | 1.80% |
City of SeaTac | 56.40% | 63.50% | -7.10% |
City of Tukwila | 62.20% | 64.00% | -1.80% |
City of Federal Way | 65.90% | 67.10% | -1.20% |
City of Auburn | 68.20% | 68.40% | -0.20% |
City of Kent | 67.80% | 67.80% | 0.00% |
City of Burien | 68.50% | 68.00% | 0.50% |
City of Renton | 70.20% | 67.20% | 3.00% |
As of Aug. 3 |
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