The next Highline Forum will be held virtually via MS Teams on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020, from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
If you’re interested in attending, please email Dave Kaplan at and put “Highline Forum RSVP” in the subject line. He will provide you the link to the meeting.
Presentations include an update:
- by Burien City Manager Brian Wilson on what’s happening in their fair city;
- from Sound Transit Executive Director Peter Rogoff on their operations and projects, including South King County;
- from WSDOT’s Susan Everett on the Puget Sound Gateway Project’s SR 509 progress;
- on the South King County Community Fund;
- an update on the Sea-Tac Stakeholder Advisory Round Table (StART); and
- the usual round table on Emerging Issues.
Note regarding Public Comment
In conformance with the Governor’s “Stay at Home” executive orders, there will be no physical location for this meeting. Those wishing to provide public comment will have the opportunity to:
- Deliver public comment via email: All written comments received by email to will be distributed to Forum members.
- Deliver public comment via MS Teams: To take advantage of this option, please email with your name and the topic you wish to speak to by 9:00 a.m. PT on Wednesday, November 18th. You will then be provided with a link to join the MS Teams meeting. This process will be in place until further notice.
Download Nov. 18, 2020 Agenda
The Highline Forum provides Southwest King County municipalities, educational governing bodies and the Port of Seattle with the opportunity to share information, interact with outside speakers and other governmental organizations and work in partnership on initiatives that benefit the residents of Southwest King County.
One elected representative and one senior administrator from the following jurisdictions or institutions make up membership on the Highline Forum:
- City of Burien – Councilmember Nancy Tosta and City Manager Brian Wilson
- City of Des Moines – Mayor Matt Pina and City Manager Michael Matthias
- City of Federal Way – Mayor Jim Ferrell and Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson
- City of Normandy Park – Deputy Mayor Michelle Sipes-Marvin and City Manager Mark Hoppen
- City of SeaTac – Mayor Erin Sitterley (temporarily) and City Manager Carl Cole
- City of Tukwila – Councilmember Kathy Hougardy and Policy Analyst Laurel Humphrey
- Highline College – President John Mosby and VP for Institutional Advancement Josh Gerstman
- Highline Public Schools – Board Member Aaron Garcia Virgen and Chief Operational Officer Scott Logan
- Port of Seattle – Commissioner Ryan Calkins and Senior Director of Aviation Lance Lyttle
An elected representative from the Port of Seattle and a jurisdiction or institution co-chair moderate the meetings. The 2020 Co-Chairs are Commissioner Calkins and Councilmember Assefa-Dawson.
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