By Jack Mayne
A Clear Risk Solutions’ study made a total of 46 recommended actions to help keep risks down in SeaTac, City Attorney Mary Mirante Bartolo told the study session of the City Council at its study session Nov. 9, 2021.
The city is a client of Clear Risk and City Manager Carl Cole showed councilmembers the new study performed in the spring by the city’s Risk Management division found that SeaTac had no failed items.
Cole said the percentage score is to indicate areas of strengths within the city, as well as weaknesses that can be addressed to make a safer environment.
The problems found ranged in priority from high to low and most of problems found have been upgraded by city staff, Cole said.
Scores given the city ranged from 71.88 percent to a high of 97.06. The Valley Ridge Community Center, the Pubic Works Maintenance Shop and Angle Lake Park Facilities were rated in the 90s. The ratings in the 70s were given to the Community Center (73.04 percent) and the Public Works Buiidng 3 (71.88 percent).
Scores for Parks Department facilities were from a low of 87.1 for Valley Ridge Park to 91.36 for North SeaTac Park. Neighborhood Park was in the middle at 90.32 percent.
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