The SeaTac City Manager Recruitment Ad-Hoc Committee will be holding a Hybrid Meeting this coming Wednesday, July 3, 2024, from 4–5 p.m.

This meeting is open to the public, open to all City Councilmembers, and will be broadcast and recorded.  The meeting will be held in Council Chambers and has a hybrid option.

Here’s more info from the City of SeaTac:

The City Council established a City Manager Recruitment Ad-hoc Committee at its May 14, 2024 Council Meeting.  The meeting is open to the public, open to all City Councilmembers, and will be broadcast and recorded.  The meeting will be held in Council Chambers and has a hybrid option.

The members are: Councilmembers Senayet Negusse (chair), James W. Lovell, and Joe Vinson.  The staff coordinator is Mei Barker, HR Director.

 A quorum of the City Council may be present.

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format with in-person and remote options for public participation. The meeting will be broadcast on SeaTV Government Access Comcast Channel 21 and live-streamed on the City’s website and click play.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: The committee will hear in-person public comments and is also providing remote oral and written public comment opportunities. All comments shall be respectful in tone and content. Providing written comments and registering for oral comments must be done by 2:00 PM the day of the meeting. Registration is required for remote comments and encouraged for in-person comments. Any requests to speak or provide written public comments which are not submitted following the instructions provided or by the deadline will not be included as part of the record.

A sign-up sheet will be available in Council Chambers for in-person comments.  Sign-up before the start of the meeting.

Instructions for providing remote oral public comments are located at the following link:  Council Committee and Citizen Advisory Committee Virtual Meetings.

Submit email/text public comments to Please note that the meeting is for the City Recruitment Ad-hoc Committee Meeting. The comment will be mentioned by name and subject and then placed in the committee handout packet posted to the website.

Language Assistance: If you need language assistance for a public meeting, please fill out this form: Public Meeting Language Assistance Request Form

City of SeaTac and Non-Discrimination 

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in organizations receiving federal financial assistance. The City of SeaTac is committed to assuring equal access and non-discrimination according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

Follow this link to our Language Access and Non-Discrimination Resources webpage on the City’s website where you can voluntarily submit your information through our Title VI Public Engagement Form as a public participant in our City process.

Event Details