Photo by Elston Hill

Travelers at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) will see emergency response vehicles on the airfield this Thursday morning, Sept. 14, 2023, between 9 a.m. and Noon.

The Port of Seattle wants to remind everyone that “THIS IS AN EXERCISE ONLY!

The Port will conduct a full-scale emergency exercise simulating an aircraft accident as part of exercises required every three years by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Area first responders will participate in the exercise which will include volunteers acting as ‘victims’ next to SEA’s portable mock aircraft training fuselage.


Preparations for the exercise will begin as early as 7:30 a.m. with the placement of the mock aircraft along Taxiway Tango between Runways 16R/34L and 16C/34C. The fire vehicle response will begin shortly after 9 a.m. The exercise is expected to last for about two hours with clean-up until 2 p.m.

The exercise will NOT affect or delay any air travel. SEA works together with FAA Air Traffic Control for the safety of the exercise within the normal operation of aircraft flights. The exercise will NOT affect any customer activity within the terminal. Signage will be posted along areas where the exercise may be visible. Residents nearby the airport may notice emergency vehicles responding as part of the exercise.

Multiple King County area mutual aid police and fire agencies will participate in the exercise responding to access locations to the airfield along Air Cargo Road next to the SEA Airport Fire Department.