On Friday, Mar. 1, 2024, the City of SeaTac released a statement on the “Zoom Bombing” incident that disrupted Tuesday night’s (Feb. 26, 2024) City Council meeting.
As we previously reported, the council meeting was hijacked by several people who spouted shockingly racist, profane and antisemitic comments.
Here’s the city’s full statement:
“The February 26, Regular Council Meeting was interrupted by several virtual attendees who made racist, profane, and antisemitic comments. This was considered a “Zoom Bombing” incident where speakers share hate-filled and bigoted language.
“The City of SeaTac strongly condemns these hateful actions and believes the behavior of those who attacked the meeting is beyond offensive. The disruptive acts of a few individuals traumatized the council, staff, and City residents.
“While the City supports the protections of free speech under the First Amendment, it does not support the disruption of City business by these individuals’ vicious, offensive, and hateful words. Their words and conduct do not reflect the City’s values. The City stands firm in its commitment to being an inclusive community and rejects discrimination of any kind.
“The City will work tirelessly to ensure these abhorrent behaviors are met with swift and decisive action to provide a safe and respectful environment for our community.”
I was able to watch the entire episode before it was removed from the City website. While staff had some problems finding the “off” button I’m sure this was unexpected and quite the shock to all those watching. You can only blame their parents for creating/training these “virtual” morons.
It is doubtful they were from here and probably from out of state and/or part of a coordinated effort. It is my further hope the City will provide all information to law enforcement, including the FBI to track these crazies to wherever they they reside and/or fester. Our country, as well as I, have had enough of this crap.