Sound Transit’s contractors will conduct a series of utility tie-ins underneath the Angle Lake Station surface lot over the course of approximately two weeks, starting Monday Mar. 4 and continuing through Mar. 18, 2024.
During this period, some parking spots in the southeastern corner of the lot will be blocked off and unavailable.
Sound Transit said that transit users will still be able to park in the rest of the lot and the parking garage will not be impacted.
- WHEN: Monday, Mar. 4 through Monday, Mar. 18, 2024 The blocked off section of the parking lot will be closed at all times during this period.
- The southeastern corner of the Angle Lake Station parking lot (see map below).
- Impacted parking spots will be clearly marked and blocked off, transit users may use all other parking spots as usual.
- Work is weather dependent and dates may change.
- Trucks and other heavy equipment will be used.
I am a homeowner, lived in my for 15 years , and I’m practically being forced to sell, because I’m being harassed IN MY HOME, for 4 years , talked to the Sea Tac police and was told if I see in the physical the person, that’s when they would a detective to investigate, I seen a girl who ine of the harasse and it was on tape at the at Fred Meyer’s , the was holding the for police, I asked the officer ” are you going to get the tape, he said ” NO , Fred Meyers Keeps their tapes a long time” also they would get the if /when something happens to me .. I am being harassed, threatened ,hacked , all day and night, telling me they are going to kill my grand daughter if I don’t sign my house over to them.