SeaTac City Manager Carl Cole and Mayor Erin Sitterley issued a Proclamation of Emergency on Friday, Mar. 13, 2020 due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Here’s more from the city:
This emergency declaration is not a cause for alarm. The proclamation could allow the City to receive reimbursement of money spent during an emergency as per state and federal law. An emergency declaration allows the City access to additional resources that may be needed in the future for addressing the coronavirus.
SeaTac Municipal Code (SMC) Section 2.75.070 (A) provides that the Mayor may issue a Proclamation of Emergency upon request of the City’s Emergency Management Director. The proclamation was issued because the Mayor and City Manager believe the health, safety and welfare of SeaTac residents, businesses, visitors and staff is of utmost importance and additional future measures may be needed to protect the community.
There are several additional factors leading to the declaration.
- On January 31,2020, the United States Department of Public Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public emergency for the novel coronavirus (COVID-l9).
- On February 29,2020, Governor Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency exists in all counties in the State of Washington due to the number of confirmed cases of COVID-l9 in the State (Proclamation 20-05).
- On March 1, 2020, King County Executive Dow Constantine signed a proclamation of emergency due to the number of confirmed cases of COVID-I9 in the County, thus enabling King County government to take extraordinary measures.
- On March 10,2020 the Governor issued Proclamation 20-06 amending Proclamation 20-05 by prohibiting certain activities and waiving and suspending specified laws and regulations.
- On March 11,2020, the Governor issued Proclamation2}-}7, that imposed restrictions on large gatherings in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.
Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in King County, the City has taken several steps to protect both its staff and customers.
- Starting last week, SeaTac implemented “high touch” area cleaning protocols at all city facilities, meaning the areas most impacted by people are cleaned and disinfected at least three times a day.
- Additionally, the Senior Center has been closed and Senior Programs have been suspended but the City is providing senior lunches for pick-up and Catholic Community Services is continuing meal deliveries for SeaTac’s homebound customers.
- The City Manager has expanded the Telecommuting Policy and is encouraging those employees that can be productive from home to work from home.
- All employees that are symptomatic are directed to not come to work.
- All Citizen Advisory Committees are suspended.
- City Hall and the Community and Teen Centers are open for business as usual and will be following Public Health guidelines.
Visitors to our City will notice some changes:
- Maintenance has Increased cleaning and disinfecting protocols at City Hall and the Community Center including wiping down high-touch areas three times a day.
- Hand sanitizer is available for use to both employees and the public at several locations throughout our City facilities.
- Public Health posters regarding hand-washing have been placed in restrooms
- The City has also decided to close the Senior Center and cancel Senior Field Trips.
City Hall
City Hall will remain open. However, we ask people to please access City services remotely, either online or via phone, if possible. City staff who are able to telecommute will do so. Our frontline staff will be practicing social distancing. If you come to City Hall, expect staff to keep their distance. If you are sick or feeling ill, please do not come to City Hall.
Community Center
The Community Center is open and operating at regular hours. Programs are running as usual. If you are sick or feeling ill, please do not come to the Community Center.
Police Reports
In order to limit exposure to COVID-19 for our Deputies and the community, reports for eligible incidents will only be taken online or by phone. This only applies to incidents that are not emergencies, are not currently in progress, and had no evidence left behind. As always, for emergencies call 911.
Online reporting:
The issuance of concealed weapon permit has been suspended until further notice due to Public Health-Seattle King County guidelines.
Police non-emergency line: 206-296-3311
To learn the latest on what SeaTac is doing regarding the Coronavirus, go to the City website homepage.
I support the vast majority of response from the City of Seatac, during the Corona Virus outbreak. However, please reconsider not blocking entrance to the Des Moines Creek Trail, and maybe even Angle Lake Park. People need to exercise and get fresh air. If you don’t trust people to practice social distancing and mask usage, why can’t police offers perform some monitoring at these sites? My single-income household pays almost $6000 per year in property taxes. I would like some of it to be applied to safely supporting our use of what park space South Seatac actually has, thank you.