Welcome to “Ask Recology,” a monthly feature from sponsor Recology King County.
You have questions, Recology has answers!
I know you can’t compost meat and bones in your backyard bin, but is it okay to put leftover meat and bones into my curbside compost?
Hi Alisha,
It is absolutely fine to put leftover meat and bones into your compost bin. Commercial compost operations get much, much hotter than backyard composting ever can. The piles are bigger, they’re turned more often and the microbial activity is stronger and hotter due to the amount of material and increased oxygen. As such, things that can’t be broken down in your back yard can easily be broken down in a commercial compost facility, including meat and bones. So keep tossing your leftovers in the compost bin and stay tuned for more waste reducing tips!
Have a suggestion for a topic? Have a recycling question you’re dying to have answered? Suggest a column topic at information2@recology.com.
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