By Alia Sinclair
Here’s what happened at Tuesday Night’s (Oct. 10, 2023) SeaTac City Council meeting:
October Declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Mayor Simpson opened the SeaTac City Council Meeting with a proclamation declaring October Domestic Violence Awareness Month, citing the efforts of the City of SeaTac to reduce instances of domestic violence in the community and encouraged the citizens of the city of SeaTac to take an active role in supporting all survivors so that we may reduce the perpetuation of violence in our city.
Council Confirms New Committee Member
A motion was passed to confirm Caitlin Konya to the Community Services Advisory Committee. The Council warmly welcomed Konya, expressed their gratitude for the volunteering of her time and talents in service to the City, and conveyed their excitement at getting to work with her in the future.
Fixed Annual Charge for Solid Waste Removal Passes
King County Solid Waste now requires haulers to pay both a per ton tipping fee based on disposal tonnage and a Fixed Annual Charge (FAC). For the City of SeaTac, the FAC that Recology will be required to pay is $1,018,141 starting in 2024. This cost will be passed from Recology onto the City, and subsequently to the citizens of SeaTac reflected in an additional fee to their solid waste removal bill. King County is the provider of garbage disposal and recycling services for all of King County, resulting in this additional charge being added for all residents of King County who use Recology waste services. A vote was taken on a Motion authorizing the City Manager to amend the current solid waste contract with Recology King County to include language to implement a fixed annual charge assessed by the King County Solid Waste Division. The motion passed 6-1.
You can watch past SeaTac City Council meetings on the City’s website here.
Alia Sinclair is a writer residing in SeaTac. She is passionate about the arts and connecting people through the written word, and is the founder and editor-in-chief of Patchwork Mosaic magazine for creatives.
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